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You may ask why is World Suicide Prevention Day so important? The Samaritans 2018 suicide statistics report showed that there were 6,213 suicides in the UK and Ireland in 2017. That number is staggering and needs to come down. As champions of mental health, 3B are looking to raise awareness to help reduce the rate of suicide.
The construction industry is 3B’s biggest customer audience, therefore, we feel it’s our duty to help.
In January 2019, 3B Training’s line managers all attended MHFA England’s Mental Health First Aid training. Having a widespread group of mental health first aiders provides support to all the teams in the business. There are now people in place who can recognise the signs of poor mental health, support those who come forward with a problem and point them in the right direction to get the relevant help.
3B Training have so far delivered Mental Health First Aid to 50 plus external people and have future course dates scheduled into the future.. This allows other workplaces to have vital mental health first aiders at hand. Rob Boardman, 3B’s Quality Coordinator has also become qualified as a Mental Health First Aid Trainer. Now, 3B can keep improving how we raise awareness of mental health and ensure we are reaching as much of the industry as possible.
To help raise awareness of poor mental health and how it affects the workplace, 3B Training Director, Mathew Bewley shared his experiences with mental health on a 5-part video series created by 3B. The video series covered questions such as…
Construction Industry Helpline Call 03495 605 1956 or visit
CALM Call 0800 58 58 58 or visit for web chat
Contact a Samaritan: call 116 123 or email [email protected]
Call 0300 123 3393 or text 86463
Papyrus / Hopeline UK
Call 0800 068 41 41, text 0778 620 9697 or email [email protected]
Lifeline (Northern Ireland)
Call 0808 808 8000 or textphone users can call 18001 0808 8080 8000
Call 0800 1111
The Silver Line
A helpline for older people: call 0800 4 70 80 90
Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people visit
Young Minds
Parents Helpline: call 0808 802 5544
Are you a young person in crisis? Text YM to 85258
Maytree’s house is open for people when they’re feeling suicidal.
Call 020 7263 7070 or email [email protected]
Explore the background and the top ten benefits of Building Safety Act Training.
CITB has introduced a new, short-term opportunity for construction businesses to boost their teams’ skills and expertise. Through the CITB Employer Network, fully funded Construction NVQs and the Site Environmental Awareness Training Scheme (SEATS) course are now available.
Learn about the health risks of asbestos in the air and understand how long asbestos fibres can stay suspended.